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Carrier Hub
FREE to our carriers! Blue Dog Dispatch TMS Software
Works with Tablet, Phone, Laptop or Desktop
Track Equipment Details
Track & Schedule Maintenance
Carrier & Driver Facing Dashboards
Creates BOL's & Invoices
View of All Loads and Financials
This is where all carriers can log in to see all of the details about their loads, performance, statistics and more. The TMS software we use provides transparency and statistical information. With the software program in place the dispatcher and carrier can grow together and improve performance each and every month. You will have a complete data snapshot of your business so we can both achieve our goals and address any areas in order increase your revenue.
The software will provide automated load status notifications.
Fleets can manage drivers and equipment through your own TMS dashboard included with being a customer of Blue Dog Dispatch. This is a great benefit that puts us over and above other dispatch services.
You will be able to dive into the numbers and get accurate data on how your trucks are moving and which drivers are the most productive. The TMS software allows for quick changes in strategy so you can maximize your ROI. Add your trucks and equipment into your dashboard including truck documents. Schedule maintenance and track maintenance cost. With notifications you will know when trucks are "Dispatched" , "In Transit" and "Delivered".